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Thank you for visiting the Princess Warrior Foundation. Click below to learn more about what we do to continue Jane's legacy and help others through their journey with childhood cancer. 


The 13th annual Princess Warrior 5K Run, Walk, Roll, Stroll or Crawl will be held on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024

Where Does
The Money Go?

Jane had a dream that no other family should hear the words "your child has cancer". As part of Jane's legacy and because of the generosity of so many people, the PW Foundation is honored to help families through gift cards, grants and other financial gifts.


Each year the Princess Warrior Foundation awards at least one scholarship to a WDC High School senior who embodies Jane-like qualities.

Board of Directors

It takes a great group of people to keep Jane's legacy alive. Thank you to the Board of Directors who share their time, energy and resources to keep Jane's memory alive while helping other children who have been diagnosed with cancer.

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